Race Report #2- Crystal Lake Classic

The race weekend started on Friday afternoon. I got home from school and packed and looked over my bike a bit more. Dad was still building a bike to race on Sunday when we finally departed for Hodag Territory at 5:30- only two hours late. 😉

We arrived at the Steckbauer homestead around 9:30 and I crashed immediately. I was sick with a bad infection this week and on top of that spent two days in the Dells, so I might have been slightly sleep deprived. saturday morning I woke up early and did some chemistry homework with the help of uncle Jeff. 8:00 is just too early for homework.

We headed over to my great grandma Agnes’ house for a visit and garden tour. 94 years old and still has quite the garden, drives herself, and even volunteers at the retirement home in town- you go granny!

When we got to the race course I knew my ride was gonna be hot and dusty. I pre rode with Jenaiya, knowing she would keep me going. Jenaiya is riding her first year in sport and despite mechanicals, has been doing great in her races. when we first started riding together we were both citizen riders and to see her grow as a cyclist like she has is very inspiring. holla at ya Jenaiya- love you girl!

Anyways, the preride started pretty well. we cruised through the long lead out. the roads are mostly this sandy gravel deal and It was tough to keep balance with speed. the sand only got worse, along with the dust. When we finally hit the single track, we were engulfed in a dense dust. the shadows were misleading in the woods and made it hard to decipher sand from dirt. I slipped out in a couple of corners but got my bearings back soon.

I was feeling good until we got back onto the sandy double track, when I started having breathing issues. call me wheezing willy, I could NOT breathe! I had to sit down and just try to relax. it was quite frightening, really. after I got that under control, we finished off the lap at a slower pace. Jenaiya stuck with me the whole time, thanks again.

Sunday morning was a little hectic. 10 people to one bathroom on race morning proved to be quite the issue. as soon as we got out of the house, we realized that it might not rain as soon as we had expected. It didn’t rain at all over night, so I was really worried about course conditions. once we got to camp, mom, Emily and I went to go register and scope out the competition.

We watched the juniors and citizen racers kick up dust like no ones business. for a minute, I actually thought I clicked my heels and was back in Kansas! I suited up and warmed up with Travis and josh for a bit, and much to my dismay was having breathing issues already. the humidity was a little out of whack to say the least.

And then it was race time: holy. crap.

Not gonna lie, I was nervous. The field was big, and I knew I was gonna finish in the back. as don counted down, I couldn’t stop smiling! this is what racing is about- standing on that line and thinking, “hell yeah, I got this.”

Once we started, I knew I needed to find my legs so I didn’t blow up on the lead out. those girls were pounding like crazy and definitely putting the hurt on some of us. I got to the single track before a good group of ladies but soon found that the two races before ours had really loosened the dirt (Iactually mean sand). As I was speeding through the trees, “call me maybe” got stuck in my head and I knew we had a problem. After getting back on the double track, some girls passed me and cranked out the big ring. I was already hurting….I guess I should probably train more? 😉

I pulled a last place in age group thanks to Rachael totally Kicking my butt. that girl is crazy fast!! I had tons of fun out there with everyone and would personally like to thank the Sport Cylde dude with a broken chain for pushing me up a hill TDF style. Hell yeah bro, you rock! Huge shout out to Shannon, who was a total animal out there despite the fact she just popped out a beautiful baby girl like the other day. Ride on momma!!

Had a great post race talk with Helme and Amy D., two very inspirational women. They always have good things to say And are both wonderful role models for me.

After I showered and cleaned up, I did some water hand ups for some Uncle Jeff, Neil and Nate Guerra. Everyone was totally crushing it out there in cat 1. It started to pour and thunder half way through their race, and seemed to settle some of the dust.

The weekend was dusty, hot, and fast. We are driving home right now with about two hours till we reach Plymouth.. I’m pretty beat, and have school bright and early.

see y’all at Wausau and keep pedaling.

love, hugs, glittler& grease,


Pete took the win at Rhinelander, good work Peter.

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